I am finally having a casting for my next fashion show! This casting is actually for several projects. It is a casting for my show, the catalog for this collection, possible editorial pictures for this collection, as well as a catalog for my hair accessories.
The show is Saturday, September 4th. The show itself is at 7, with hair and makeup starting a few hours earlier. Exact time will be determined later, but I do not expect it to be an all day thing (maybe 2?). I will be casting models for the runway, as well as for a few people to be part of a before show presentation.
Unfortunately, I can't afford to pay money for this show, but you will receive any pictures I get, to use in any way you'd like. I will be having at least one paid photographer and will be trying to get several others to show up as well. I'll also do a bit in trade with you for hair accessories. (www.birdsnestaccessories.etsy.com)
For any of you who have worked with me before, you will be shocked to find out that I want you to smile in this show. I am not a huge fan of smiling on the runway, but it just works with this collection. Here is a clip of a Sonia Rykiel show that shows what I want.
The first model does pretty much exactly what I want. She still has a professional high fashion walk, looks happy while she is walking, but does not open mouth smile. Then, when she poses at the end she gives a cute little open mouth smile. I don't want to see teeth in every picture of you down the runway, but I want it to look like you are having a good time. I suggest you practice doing this because I would like to see this type of walk at your audition so that I can have a better sense of how you would fit into the collection.
So here are all the details:
Model casting on Sunday, August 22nd from 4:30-6:30 at The Big Hairy Monster Salon located at 3105 E. Colfax. This is an open call so you can show up at anytime within those two hours. Please have a natural looking face- I want to see you, not your makeup. And, of course, bring some heels, and a portfolio if you have it.
Also, I thought I would mention this here- I am looking for a few people with some interesting talents or characteristics. If you know anyone who is a contortionist or identical twin girls (teens to mid 20s), then have them either email me or come to the audition. If anyone has an unusual talent, let me know at the audition, it may be just what I'm looking for!
Here is a peek at my Save the Date poster. The final one is going to be very similar but a lot cooler.

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