Though I have done little actual designing, I have done quite a bit of thinking for my next idea. I saw Katy Perry's trenchcoat "dress" at the Victoria's Secret fashion show and was reminded of how much I love trompe l'oeil pieces. My immediate thought was to create a mini collection of pieces that fake different accessories or parts; such as collars, belts, or lace. I don't have access to a textile printer right now so I would accomplish all of this by hand embroidery.
Katy Perry

I want to keep the pieces simple in color, using mainly black and white with a little bit of red. I also have a vision of the models wearing black skull caps and dramatic eye makeup. Here is an example of the type of headwear, as seen in Chado Ralph Rucci's lookbook:

What I have in mind would make for the most sophisticated and mature collection I have done to date. The silhouettes would be both basic and slightly more complex. I might have a basic shift with a faux belt, but then in the next outfit have a more complicated jacket with minimal use of the trompe l'oeil effect. Although I may do some jackets I do not plan on doing any trenchcoats as I feel that this piece has been overdone in the trompe l'oeil style. I see myself doing mainly dresses, skirts, and high end jackets.
I am not planning on doing a fashion show for this collection, but using it mainly for my portfolio. I even have a location in mind for the lookbook photo shoot and a specific look for the models.
Here are some fun inspiration pictures:

What's wrong with Denver?